An Evolving Stagnation


Burden born(e) from silence: an evolving stagnation

It is my burden to bear
says the silence in the air.

I am listening with the utmost care
says the silence in the air.

I don’t know how to respond
says the silence in the air.

I accept you
says the silence in the air.

I don’t want to admit I’m wrong
says the silence in the air.

I am afraid
says the silence in the air.

I don’t know what is going on
says the silence in the air.

I am comfortable
says the silence in the air.

I know how you feel
says the silence in the air.

I don’t want to burden you
says the silence in the air.

I am a “man”
says the silence in the air.

says the silence in the air.

*This collage series has been inspired by the Greek story of Atlas who, as punishment, was forced to bear the weight of the heavens. It does not seem far off from today’s world. The silence of our struggles grows in the mental space where, eventually, its weight becomes that of the heavens. Only in this instance, many of us willingly shoulder that burden, either as self-punishment or a sense of responsibility. Our mental space is not bound and limited as our physical bodies are in this world. Alone in the mind, our concerns and struggles will grow without end, a child whose voracious appetite and growth never ceases. It will feed and feed until all of existence rests on you solely.
But perhaps together? With a friend? A mentor? A parent? A partner? A community? What if this burden was not meant to be held alone?
I encourage you today to just ask someone about an experience of them sharing their own struggles and concerns with another person and what that was like. What was the feeling? What about thoughts? What about the feelings the next day?
Before you go about sharing, however, you may have to examine your reasons for being silent on your struggles. Every situation has its unique circumstances. And one person’s key may not fit in your lock. But that is ok. Because in order to find your key, you will have to try many different keys that do not fit.

Human Evolution, 2020
16″ x 20″
digital collage

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