A Space to Grow…

Welcome! Whether you have come to learn more about mental health, furthering your own individual growth, or simply just curious, I am delighted that you are here. I hope to share my own passion for mental well-being with you and be a stepping stone in your own journey in life. While I won’t be able to give you any answers, perhaps I can help you find some through this space. I hope that we can all share this space and build towards a healthier and happier world. Enjoy!

What Is Mental Health?

Most likely, you have asked this question to yourself or to another person at some point in your life. Maybe you took a psychology class or looked up the DSM-accepted definition and criteria. Or maybe you read a ton of books on this particular issue. Perhaps a 2 am talk with a close friend? Regardless, you probably have (or, at the very least, will) come across endless variations and iterations of this term. And they may all be right. Because the fundamental underlying question everyone is really asking is “who am I?”
      Mental health is the exploration of identity. And there is no one else but you to answer this question. You are the most qualified person.

     So… allow me to ask you this once more: “What is mental health?”

Narrative Identity

Stories play such a pivotal role in our daily lives, even if they’re not longer being sung by bards and minstrels. The connections, laughter, tears, and unity they cultivate remind us all of what it means to be human. But perhaps the most critical role of all is the impact they have on the storyteller: you. You are the author, editor, and publisher of your life.
      I, however, cannot deny the tremendous obstacles that make it far more difficult for many to claim these roles. The marginalized, incarcerated, enslaved, bullied, hopeless, depressed, survivors, and beaten down all repeatedly have their own stories ripped away from them. What I do hope for is to help realize a world where stories and narratives become more respected and acknowledged as a fundamental human right. That everyone have the right to be author, editor, and publisher of one’s own life.
      For those who wish to explore this concept more, here a few links to help you get started. Also check out my Artist Statement for how I view art, mental health, and narrative identity. And as always, if you have any questions about this for me, send me an email in the SAY HI! page or DM me on social media!
1. Life’s Stories
2. Two Kinds of Stories
3. Narrative Identity


George Eliot

For we all of us, grave or light, get our thoughts entangled in metaphors, and act fatally on the strength of them.

Admittedly, I did not see much value in art until my own life began to spiral downwards. The introspection it brought to my life became a turning point. While the artwork I have made and shared here is ultimately rooted in my own experiences, I hope they cultivate in you a new way of introspection, as they did for me.
      For more on the intersectionality of mental health and art, please check out my Artist Statement. And I’d love to hear from you your own take on this intersectionality in the collaboration page, which is coming soon!

Radical Presence

When I first came across this term, I was a little turned off by its esoteric and distant wording. Can you deny the pretentious and privileged vibes it screams in your face? It turns out, it is not such a foreign and daunting concept.
     Mary Rose O’Reilley has initially coined this wonderful concept to envision a world where teachers don’t just fill students’ heads with words, numbers, and rigid rules and students are encouraged to challenge, inquire, and explore. A level two-way bridge that allows for the joint growth of teachers and students. A mental presence where one truly listens without anticipating, assuming, or talking at someone. And when this radical presence truly begins to manifest, you are “listening someone into existence.”
      Some of you may already be great listeners. But are you a great listener to yourself? When is the last time you took the time to do so? The frustration you feel when something does not go your way. The tension in your shoulders that has been for as long as you can remember. What does it mean and look like to listen yourself into existence? What happens when you unlock your potential by giving yourself the space to grow…
      If you’re curious about O’Reilley’s Radical Presence, check out her book Radical Presence!

Everything presented here (poems, art pieces, photos, writing, etc.) are works of myself, Alfred Lee, unless otherwise stated. I do, however, acknowledge that everything has been inspired by other artists (traditional artists, friends, family, experts in various fields, and random moments in my life).